
Like most people, there are many iterations of what makes “me.” I’m a wife, mama of two sweet littles, gardener, worm whisperer, coffee addict, chicken wrangler, slow food aficionado. If you ask my husband, he might tell you my mantra is, “Hmm…I think I could make that myself.” It’s how I taught myself how to sew. Also why we ended up with a grow light system in our garage, a whole slew of canning supplies, a sourdough starter in the fridge, a vinegar mother on our countertop, and a growing collection of yarn and fabric in the craft room. Perhaps a better name for this blog would have been “ADHD homesteader” or something of the sort. But this seemed fitting. I sow seeds in my garden, just like I hope that I sow seeds of curiosity in my children’s minds. Also, if we want to play on words, I sew fabric as well. And create other fun things. This blog will be eclectic. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy sharing what I’m working on.

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